We are proud to present the proceedings from the 2019 Goucher Symposium.

Catherine Arias
From Exploration to Equity: A Museum’s Journey Toward Decolonization

Meera Balasubmarian
Meera Through Undergrad Years: Senior Leadership Capstone

Emma Batman
Judson Memorial Church- Belonging, Ambiguity & Legacy

Olivia Baud
La mirada en Rosaura a las diez y El secreto de sus ojos: Feminidad Compleja en Argentina

Olivia Baud
Peer Mentoring at the Futuro Latino Learning Center

Ciara Brown

Langston Cotman

Hannah Dahm

Hannah Dahm
Hannah Dahm’s Capstone

Elmira David
Ionian Suite for Piano, Op.7 (Music) by Manos Hadjidakis Performed by Elmira David

Erin Ertunga
Metal Brain 109: Searching for a manhwa starting from France to Korea

Isabella Favazza
Discourse of Faith and Power: Turnaround Tuesday, A Case Study

Mary Heinz
Experiencing Goucher Learning Environments: The Good, the Bad, and the F***ing Awful

Elysia Hempel
The Unwritten Chapters: Perspectives on Female Composers

Hope Hilgartner

Jasmine Hubara
L’dor V’dor: Roots and Causes of Anti-Semitism in France in the 20th Century

Nejaat Ibrahim
Affirming and Transforming: Immigrant Identity Formation in the USA

Sophie Mezebish
Provocative space: Intersections between the theatre of Mnouchkine and Brecht

Wynn Aung Myint
Myanmar’s Rohingya Crisis: De/constructing Postcolonial Discourses

Leah Ruggiere
Digital Gallery Internship in the U of Baltimore Special Collections Department

Rebecca Silber & Brandon Rodriguez
Dalle Mani al Piattoy

Bianca Stern
Mass Incarceration: The Subjugation of Black Men’s Health

Isadora Stern
Re-enfranchising the Disenfranchised: Increasing Political Participation among the Previously Incarcerated through Parochial Social Controls

Allison Stickley-Miner
Interfaith Engagement: How Theology can Address Our Differences

Naomi Turner
Naked in Front of a Crowd: Understanding Experiences of Embarrassment and Shame among College Students

Naomi Turner
Race, Religion, and Gender: Conservative Christians and the Politics of the American Identity

Kathryn Vajda
What about the Children?: The Effects of Mass Incarceration on Family and the Importance of Nurturing the Parent-Child Relationship in Alternative Forms of Justice
