Category Archives: Software

Emergency Contact Information

Emergencies can happen when you least expect them, and having up-to-date emergency contact information ensures that someone you trust can be reached when it matters most.

You can now enter and update your emergency contact information in MyGoucher. Help keep yourself safe and give your loved ones peace of mind by entering or updating your emergency contact details now. It’s quick, easy, and could make all the difference. Follow the instructions below to enter your information.

How To Update Emergency Contact Information

    1. Log in to myGoucher.

2. Hover over your profile icon, then click “Profile.”

3. From your Profile dashboard, click “Emergency Contact”

4. Click the pencil icon to add or edit emergency contact information. Add additional phone numbers for this contact in the Notes field.

5. Repeat steps above for Secondary Contact.

6. When finished, check for correctness, then click “SAVE” to update.

7. Log out of myGoucher.

Using Microsoft Teams As A Student

Teams is a Microsoft communication tool used at Goucher for virtual class meetings or other video conferencing sessions. Teams is included in your Goucher Office 365 account, so it is available to every student to use for free while they are taking classes.

Installing the Teams Software

Microsoft Teams is included with Goucher Office 365 accounts and can be installed on PCs, Macs, and mobile devices, or used directly in a web browser.

    • The Teams software or app* – Download Teams for work or school on your PC or Mac desktop, iOS, or Android.
      *Recommended for the best experience

      For Windows Desktop downloads choose “Teams for work or school”. 

    • Or A Web Browser – Go to
      The browser client can also be used although it does have limitations when compared to using the installed client software or app above. Chrome or Edge are considered the best browsers for Teams Meetings. Make sure your browser has been updated to the latest version. For more information about supported browsers see Web clients for Microsoft Teams.

Logging into Teams

Log into your Goucher Teams account using the same format used to log into your email and other Office 365 software – (NOT firstname.lastname) and your Goucher password. You can double-check that you are logged in by clicking the profile picture in the top right corner.

Note for Windows Users: If you already have a TEAMS account with another organization, you can select “add account” on the log in screen to add your Goucher account. Click here to see more information on managing multiple accounts in Teams. This feature is only available to users who have upgraded to “New Teams” and will be available to Mac users soon.

Pre-meeting Check: Confirm Your Settings and Make a Test Call

Confirm or change your default mic, speaker, or camera

To select the mic, speaker, and camera you want Teams to use for calls and meetings, select Settings and more  Select to see more options  next to your profile picture at the top of Teams and then choose Settings Devices.

Under Audio devices, pick the speaker and mic you want Teams to use by default.

Under Camera, select the camera you want Teams to use, and see a preview of that camera’s video.

Make a test call

To make a test call, select Settings and more  Select to see more options  next to your profile picture at the top of Teams and then choose Settings Devices.

Choose Make a test call under Audio devices.

In a test call, you’ll see how your mic, speaker, and camera are working. Follow the instructions from Test Call Bot and record a short message. The message will play back for you. After that, you’ll get a summary of the test call, and you can go to your device settings to make changes.


    • The test call feature is only available in English for now. Additional languages are coming soon.
    • Test recordings are deleted immediately after the call. They are not retained or used by Microsoft.
    • The test call feature is currently only available in Teams desktop app for Windows and Mac.

Joining a Teams Meeting

The most common way to join a meeting is by clicking on a link shared with you in Canvas or through an email.

  1. Click the link shared with you in Canvas or in an email message.
    Picture of Join Link from Email

    Example of Join Link from Email  Example of Join Link from CanvasExample of Join Link from Canvas

  2. A new window will appear asking if you want to join the meeting from the Teams app (1) or from your browser (2). Click one of these options to continue.
  3. If you join from the Teams app, you’ll start with a screen where you can check your camera and audio settings. Hit JOIN NOW to continue into the meeting space. If you join from your browser, you may be prompted to allow the browser to access your camera and mic before proceeding into the meeting.
  4. Depending on how the host configured your meeting, you may be taken to a lobby to wait to be admitted or you may join the meeting immediately.

Participating in a Teams Meeting

When a Teams Meeting is in progress, the Meeting Controls toolbar becomes available to all participants at the top of the screen. Microsoft has online guides for how to use this toolbar, including how to Share Your Screen, Mute/UnMute, Raise Your Hand, and lots more (see the left sidebar from any of these pages for more participation tips).

Adjusting Your View in a Meeting

Teams tries to anticipate what you’ll want to see in a meeting. If someone starts speaking, their video or profile image is shown more prominently. If someone shares their screen, that content will take main stage. But if you’d rather see something else, there are a few ways to tell Teams.

  • Switch between people and content– If someone’s presenting a PowerPoint or other content, switch between viewing their content and the people in the room by clicking the video or content you want to see.
  • Pin a video– Right-click a video within the meeting and select Pin. The video will be shown regardless of who’s currently speaking. You can pin multiple videos or right-click any pinned video and select Unpin at any time.
  • Reframe a video– Teams may crop your video to better fit the screen. If you want to change this, right-click the video and select Fit to frame to view the entire video. To see a closer, cropped view, right-click the video and select Fill frame.

Changing Display Name or Adding Pronouns

Users can choose to go by a chosen name rather than their legal name for work or study at Goucher. Please see our post Display Names and Pronouns for more information.

Note that pronouns are not added to the display name in Teams. Instead, pronouns are added to the user’s profile. Click a profile picture to open a user’s profile page and look under their name for any pronouns intentionally added by that user.

Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some self-help tips to resolving most technical issues with Microsoft Teams.

  • For best results, use the Teams app rather than the web version.
  • If you have to use the web version, switch to using Chrome or Edge if necessary and ensure your browser is updated to the latest version.
  • Make sure you are signed into your Goucher Teams account. Signing out of Teams and back in again is also a common fix to many problems. To sign out, select your Profile icon and choose SIGN OUT. Sign back in with your Goucher and password.
  • If you are experiencing low internet connectivity issues, try closing other apps that also use your internet bandwidth. You can also reduce the amount of bandwidth needed by turning off your own camera or the video feed from others (click on VIEW on the toolbar, select MORE OPTIONS, and then click TURN OFF INCOMING VIDEO).



Display Names and Pronouns

Display Name

By default, many of our systems are automatically populated with your legal name. If you wish to be addressed by a chosen name instead of a legal name in your regular Goucher work and communications, please follow the guidelines in the Registrar’s Name Change Policy.

Some highlights from this policy include:

  • Employees, including student employees, should update their preferred name choices in Workday using the Change Your Preferred Name job aid.
  • Academic users (such as faculty and students) should enter their preferred first name* in MyGoucher using the steps in the Registrar’s Name Change Policy document.
    • Only enter your preferred first name under “Display Name”. Do not include titles, pronouns or last names in the same field as your chosen first name.
    • Display names in MyGoucher will automatically be updated over time in academic systems such as Canvas, Navigate, DegreeWorks, and the Housing Director.
  • Information on OneCard replacements can be found on the OneCard website.
  • Name changes to email addresses can be requested at Please note whether you are requesting a new email address or only an alias. If we provide you with a new email address, future emails to your original address will be lost.


While pronouns are added to some of our systems automatically through various data connections, some systems require users to update their pronouns manually if desired. Use the links below for instructions.

How to Connect to Goucher VPN


VPN, short for Virtual Private Network, is a secure connection from a computer to a private network (such as Goucher College) over the internet. A VPN connection allows users who are away from campus to access files or websites usually only available from computers set up in offices, classrooms, or labs in campus buildings.

Follow these steps to set up a remote VPN connection from an off-campus computer.

Before you begin:

  • VPN will only work from off-campus and does not work when connected to the Goucher network on campus. This includes both GoucherGuest and GoucherWiFi.



  1. Open the Start menu in the bottom left, and type in “Cisco.”
  2. Open the “Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client” application from the list of results.
  3. If you do not see Cisco in Search, reinstall the application using our Setting Up a VPN Connection guide. You may also find the VPN client under the “Cisco” folder in “All Apps” on your Start menu.
  4. Once open, type in “‘ into the URL window, and click “Connect”
  5. From there, a Microsoft login page will pop-up. Type in your username in the ‘‘ format to sign in, and input your password. You may be asked to verify your login using Multi-Factor Authentication. See our article found here for questions on using MFA.
  6. Once signed in, you’ll see a green check-mark on the lock icon in the Cisco AnyConnect window, indicating you are connected to Goucher VPN.


  1. Click the Spotlight icon in the top right, on the menu bar and type in “Cisco”
  2. Open “Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility”
  3. If you do not see Cisco in Spotlight Search, reinstall the application from Self Service on your Mac, or otherwise see our Setting Up a VPN Connection guide. You can also find the application within your Applications folder.
  4. Once open, type in “‘ into the URL window, and click “Connect”
  5. From there, a Microsoft login page will pop-up. Type in your username in the ‘‘ format to sign in, and input your password. You may be asked to verify your login using Multi-Factor Authentication. See our article found here for questions on using MFA.
  6. Once signed in, you’ll see a green check-mark on the lock icon in the Cisco AnyConnect window, indicating you are connected to Goucher VPN.

Technology Training & Tidbits Newsletters

2024-12-10_Highlights from 2024The training newsletters are your go-to resources for staying up to date with the latest technology, tools, and techniques in an evolving world of technology. It is designed to support you in harnessing the power of technology effectively by providing valuable insights, practical tips, and hands-on workshops to enhance workplace productivity.

Technology Training & Tidbits Newsletters

  • February 2025 – Prompt Engineering: Get Better Responses and Potential AI Risks
  • January 2025 – Digital Wellbeing and Adding an Email Message as a Calendar Event

Train The Trainer Resources

As a subject matter expert, your role is crucial in empowering individuals to navigate systems with confidence and proficiency. This blog is designed to provide you with valuable insights, practical tips, and comprehensive resources to enhance your training skills and elevate your impact as a trainer. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to deliver effective, engaging, and impactful training sessions.

Four Step Training Prep Checklist

The Four Step Training Checklist will help you prepare training materials, presentations and delivery. Use the checklist to help you consider logistics, scripting, presentation design and training delivery. These essential components contribute to a successful training experience for you and your participants.

Click here to view the Four Step Training Prep Checklist.

Design and Deliver Workshops

Using Microsoft Teams in the Workplace or Classroom

Teams is a web-based communication tool offering online calling, video conferencing, chat, and file sharing options. Plus, Teams is included in every Goucher Office 365 account, so it is available to all current faculty, staff, and students. Teams meetings have no real time limitation (30 hours)  and can include non-Goucher guests.

Accessing Teams

Microsoft Teams is included with Goucher Office 365 accounts and can be installed on PCs, Macs, and mobile devices, or used directly in a web browser.

      • Teams software or app*Download Teams for your desktop, iOS, or Android. *Recommended for best experience

        For Windows Desktop downloads choose “Teams for work or school”.

      • A Web Browser – Go to
        The browser client can also be used although it does have limitations when compared to using the installed client software or app above. Chrome or Edge are considered the best browsers for Teams Meetings. Make sure your browser has been updated to the latest version. For more information about supported browsers see Web clients for Microsoft Teams.

Scheduling a Teams Meeting

Similar to other video meeting sites like Zoom, WebEx, GoToMeeting, etc., Teams Meetings are scheduled events that participants join with a link. There are several ways to schedule a meeting using Teams:

      • From Outlook – Use the Teams add-in for Outlook. From your Outlook calendar, create a new meeting or appointment and use the Teams Meeting buttons on the toolbar to include online meeting details in the invitation.
      • From Teams
        • Option 1 – Go to Calendar on the left side of the app and select New meeting in the top right corner.
        • Option 2 – Select a range of time in the calendar. A scheduling form will pop open.
        • Option 3 – Select Schedule a meeting  in a chat (below the box where you type a new message) to book a meeting with the people in the chat.
      • From Canvas – Instructors can use our Canvas Instructor Quick Tip to create a Teams meeting link for students without having to copy/paste or send invitations.

Inviting People Outside of Goucher to a Meeting

Teams lets you invite people outside of Goucher to a meeting, including those who don’t have a Teams license. Anyone joining a meeting without signing into Teams through their Goucher account is considered a “guest”.

      1. Create the meeting  and go to where it says Add required attendees. If anyone is an optional attendee, select Optional instead.
      2. Type the person’s full email address (ex:
      3. Select Invite. They’ll receive an email with a link to the meeting.

Other Considerations :

      • When outside participants use the link to join your meeting, they will be given the option to download the Teams app or continue in their browser. Neither of these options requires a Microsoft login to use; however, most users have a better online experience using the app.
      • To protect everyone from mischief makers, guests will need to be admitted through the meeting lobby by default.
      • Outside users will not have access to the meeting chat after the meeting ends.
      • Windows desktop users who already use TEAMS with another organization can avoid joining Goucher meetings as a guest by managing multiple accounts in New Teams. This feature is anticipated for Mac users soon.

Pre-meeting Check: Confirming Your Settings and Making a Test Call

Confirm or change your default mic, speaker, or camera

To select the mic, speaker, and camera you want Teams to use for calls and meetings, select Settings and more  Select to see more options  next to your profile picture at the top of Teams and then choose Settings Devices.

Under Audio devices, pick the speaker and mic you want Teams to use by default.

Under Camera, select the camera you want Teams to use, and see a preview of that camera’s video.

Make a test call

To make a test call, select Settings and more  Select to see more options  next to your profile picture at the top of Teams and then choose Settings Devices.

Choose Make a test call under Audio devices.

In a test call, you’ll see how your mic, speaker, and camera are working. Follow the instructions from Test Call Bot and record a short message. The message will play back for you. After that, you’ll get a summary of the test call, and you can go to your device settings to make changes.


      • The test call feature is only available in English for now. Additional languages are coming soon.
      • Test recordings are deleted immediately after the call. They are not retained or used by Microsoft.
      • The test call feature is currently only available in Teams desktop app for Windows and Mac.

Using Meeting Controls

When a Teams Meeting or Video Chat is in progress, the Meeting Controls toolbar becomes available to all users. Visit the Microsoft support article for details on how to use controls, including options for breakout rooms, meeting recordings, background effects, and more.

Adjusting Your View in a Meeting

Teams tries to anticipate what you’ll want to see in a meeting. If someone starts speaking, their video or profile image is shown more prominently. If someone shares their screen, that content will take main stage. But if you’d rather see something else, there are a few ways to tell Teams.

  • Switch between people and content– If someone’s presenting a PowerPoint or other content, switch between viewing their content and the people in the room by clicking the video or content you want to see.
  • Pin a video– Right-click a video within the meeting and select Pin. The video will be shown regardless of who’s currently speaking. You can pin multiple videos or right-click any pinned video and select Unpin at any time.
  • Reframe a video– Teams may crop your video to better fit the screen. If you want to change this, right-click the video and select Fit to frame to view the entire video. To see a closer, cropped view, right-click the video and select Fill frame.

Creating a Personal Meeting Link Using Meet Now

The Teams calendar has a Meet Now feature for impromptu meetings. After hitting the Meet Now button, prompts appear to enter a meeting name and invite participants by entering their names or copying a meeting link to paste elsewhere. Meet Now meetings do not appear in your calendar.

You can reuse Meet Now links to create a similar experience to the Personal Meeting links in Zoom.


  • Any chats, meeting notes, or other shared content will be available to everyone in every meeting session with the same name. Participants (not Organizers) can delete their chats from the thread if desired.
  • The default security settings allow anyone at Goucher College to bypass the waiting room. Be sure to change meeting options after the steps below if you don’t want users to join a meeting already in session with another person.
  • Although meeting URLs do not expire, phone dial-in numbers do.


  1. Create a Teams meeting from the Teams calendar using the Meet Now button. Name the meeting something like “Jane’s Personal Meeting”.
  2. Copy the resulting meeting link to your clipboard.
  3. Paste the link in a shareable space, such as in Canvas, Navigate, your e-mail signature, etc., and save it as a bookmark in your browser. You want to have it handy.
  4. Start your meeting at any time using the same link you shared with everyone else. You can reuse the link again even after the first meeting is ended.

Starting a Chat session

Teams comes with a persistent chat area that contains chats to and from other Goucher users. When you participate in meetings, those chats also appear in this area.

      1. Click on the Chat icon on the left, and then select the New Chat button at the top of chat list panel.
      2. Begin typing the name of a Goucher member and select their name when it appears.
      3. Compose a message in the box at the bottom of the chat panel.
      4. When you’re ready, select the Send icon or hit Enter.

Starting an Audio Call or Video Call

Audio and Video calls are started from the Chat window and occur immediately without a meeting link. Think of this as calling someone on the phone. This option is good for quick impromptu conversations within the Goucher community.

      1. Open a chat session with the person(s) you wish to contact (you can select an existing chat session or start a new one). You can include up to 20 people.
      2. Select the Meet Now button on the toolbar and select Audio Call or Video Call to start a call.

Changing Display Name or Adding Pronouns

Users can choose to go by a chosen name rather than their legal name for work or study at Goucher. Please see our post Display Names and Pronouns for more information.

Note that pronouns are not added to the display name in Teams. Instead, pronouns are added to the user’s profile. Click a profile picture to open a user’s profile page and look under their name for any pronouns intentionally added by that user.

Adding a Teams Meeting in a Canvas Course

Follow our Canvas Instructor Quick Tip to create a meeting link for students without having to copy/paste or send invitations.

Overview of Frequently Used Features

Below is a summary of frequently used conferencing features in Teams:

Feature Available in Teams?
Personal meeting room No* See related information above.
Breakout rooms Yes
Polls Through MS Forms
Raise hand Yes
Password protection No
Lobby/Waiting Room Yes *Can setup in Meeting Options
Mobile app Yes
External guests Yes
Recurring meetings Via Outlook
Screen Sharing Yes 
Whiteboard Yes 
Cloud recording Yes
Cloud recordings are stored in OneDrive.
Alternative Host Through roles
Transcripts Yes

Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some self-help tips to resolving most technical issues with Microsoft Teams.

  • For best results, use the Teams app rather than the web version.
  • If you have to use the web version, switch to using Chrome or Edge if necessary and ensure your browser is updated to the latest version.
  • Make sure you are signed into your Goucher Teams account. Signing out of Teams and back in again is also a common fix to many problems. To sign out, select your Profile icon and choose SIGN OUT. Sign back in with your Goucher and password.
  • If you are experiencing low internet connectivity issues, try closing other apps that also use your internet bandwidth. You can also reduce the amount of bandwidth needed by turning off your own camera or the video feed from others (click on VIEW on the toolbar, select MORE OPTIONS, and then click TURN OFF INCOMING VIDEO).


Hold for Authentication Error

Hold for Authentication Error – Why this Happens

The “Hold for Authentication” error, as shown below is common on Apple devices. This error is caused when incorrect credentials are entered when going to print. Your Mac by default, will attempt to use the local account name on your computer to login to the printer and save it to the keychain.  If you do not change the name from the Mac login to your Goucher username (ex. in the format of either josmi001 or jsmith) this error will occur. If those credentials are saved to to the keychain, this error will continue to occur on any future print jobs. This error also occurs if your password changes or expires without updating the keychain

Please note, you should always be on GoucherWiFi, not GoucherGuest when printing.

There are two solutions to this issue.

How to Resolve it

1. Refresh the Print Job

This is the easiest and quickest solution, although it may not work on some older Macs. On your dock, there is a printer icon with an exclamation mark as shown.

Click on the printer icon to open up your print queue. From there, you’ll see a list of your current print jobs.

Click the refresh icon,   you should now see a window to enter in a new username and password for the printer.

Remove the default username from the name field, if it’s not your Goucher username. Then enter in your Goucher credentials in the format of ‘josmi001’ (or jsmith for older accounts) as shown below.

Click “Ok” and your print job should begin processing. If the credentials were correct, the print job should disappear from the print queue as shown below. Otherwise if incorrect credentials were entered, the printer will once again show a “Hold for Authentication” error.

1. Delete the saved credentials from your keychain

Note, this is an advanced troubleshooting step. Please contact the Helpdesk if you need assistance with this.

If the above steps do not work for you, it is likely caused by incorrect credentials that have been saved to the keychain. To resolve this, open up Spotlight Search in the top right, type in “Keychain” then press enter.

In the Keychain Access application that opens, select ‘login’ under ‘Default Keychains’ and then select the ‘Passwords’ tab as shown.

Scroll down until you find the keychain password for the printer, (faculty_print_bw, secure_print_color, etc) The printer password will have an @ symbol next to the name, and will be marked as a “network password.”

Press and hold the Control key while you click on the printer keychain, then select ‘Delete’

Confirm that you want to delete the keychain password. Then, attempt to print again. You should be prompted to enter in new credentials for the printer. Enter in your username in the format of “josmi001” (or jsmith for some staff/faculty) and your Goucher password, as shown.

If you find that you are not prompted for new credentials when going to print, restart your computer and try again.


If you have any further questions, please contact the Helpdesk at

Update Windows Credentials

Windows Credentials Errors – Why this Happens

For Goucher staff and faculty, your account password will expire every six months. If you are connected to GoucherWiFi or ethernet at the time it is changed, this password will update automatically on your Dell or Lenovo computer.

However, if you are not connected to either GoucherWiFi or ethernet,  the Windows credentials locally saved to your PC may not match your new password. This can also happen if the laptop experiences any connectivity issues. If you are logging into your laptop using your old password, but logging into Goucher systems and web pages using your new password, you are likely experiencing this issue.

This error can cause connection issues to systems which uses your Windows credentials to sign-in, which includes Microsoft applications such as Outlook or Dynamics. It can also cause errors connecting to GoucherWiFi, preventing users from accessing printers, or on-premise services like Magellan or InsideGoucher. As the computer is attempting to sign in with outdated credentials, you will be unable to connect to GoucherWiFi in order to connect and update them. There are currently two solutions to this error, depending if you are onsite or remote.

How to Resolve it

1. On Campus

The first solution is to plug your computer into ethernet. If you have an office phone, you will likely have an ethernet cable coming out of this device from the “PC” port. Plug the ethernet cable from the phone into your PC. Do not unplug the phone from the wall. If you find that you need an extra ethernet cable, or you do not have an ethernet adapter to properly connect your device, please contact the Helpdesk at

Once it is connected the WiFi symbol in the bottom right of your PC should change to to showing you are connected to the Goucher network. Once connected, restart your PC, and log back into your account with your updated password. At this point you can disconnect from the ethernet and connect back to GoucherWiFi.

2. Remote

To update your laptop’s credentials remotely, you will first need to sign into VPN. The VPN client is the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client. If you do not have the VPN client already installed on your device, please follow the steps for installing and signing into the VPN here.

Once you are signed into VPN, and are on the Goucher network, you will need to lock the laptop, and then sign back in. To do so, you may either press Windows Key and ‘L’ at the same time, or press CTRL, ALT, DELETE at the same time, and choose “Lock” from the list of options.

Once the laptop is locked, you should be brought back to a login screen. From here, enter in your updated password. This will update your Windows credentials and allow you to sign into all systems. If you experience any further errors, restart your device and then log back in.


If you find that these steps do not work for you and you need additional assistance, please contact the Helpdesk at





Using OneDrive

Included with your Office 365 account, OneDrive is an unlimited cloud drive similar to Box, Drop Box, and Google Drive. Using OneDrive to store computer files saves hard drive space, and makes sharing files and folders with other Goucher faculty, staff, and students easy. When you create or edit a document saved to OneDrive, from any location or any device, changes will automatically save back to your OneDrive account. 

Learn More

General Information from Microsoft

Below are links to articles written by Microsoft support to help you get started using OneDrive. Please contact the IT Help Desk if you have any questions or need assistance with the install or an update.


resource description
OneDrive Quick Start Guide A visual map of the OneDrive screen on browsers and the mobile app.
OneDrive Video Training Series Short video tutorials on OneDrive features. Note – Goucher accounts are OneDrive for Business Accounts.
OneDrive Help and Learning Dashboard Includes the links below and many more.
Installing OneDrive for Windows/Mac/Mobile If you have Windows 10 or above, OneDrive is already installed on your PC. Use this link if you’re using a Mac, another version of Windows, or want to use the OneDrive mobile app,
Uploading and saving files and folders to OneDrive Step-by-step guide on saving files/folders to OneDrive
Syncing files and folders between the web (cloud) version and your computer Step-by-step guide on syncing files between OneDrive and your computer
Sharing OneDrive files and folders Step-by-step guide on sharing OneDrive files/folders
Viewing Shared Folders (and Adding to My Files for quicker access) When someone shares a folder with you, it appears in the Shared section of your OneDrive account on the web. If you have Edit permissions to those shared folders, you can add them to the My files section of your OneDrive to make them easier to access and work with.
Creating a File Request This is a useful feature! With the file request feature in OneDrive, you can choose a folder where others can upload files using a link that you send them. People you request files from can only upload files; they can’t see the content of the folder, edit, delete, or download files, or even see who else has uploaded files.

More About Finding Folders Shared With You

Note that files/folders shared with you will always be available to you on the web from the Shared space, but only items in the My Files space will automatically appear in File Explorer or Finder on your computer. To add shared items to My Files, follow the steps below.

  1. Open your OneDrive account online.
  2. Navigate to Shared.
    OneDrive Shared Files
  3. Select one or more items, click “Add shortcut” on the toolbar and select “My Files”.
    Alternatively, you can also right-click on an item and select “Add Shortcut“.

Using Favorites to Find Frequently Used Files

Another tip for organizing your OneDrive content is to Favorite items you work with often.

  1. Open your OneDrive account online.
  2. Navigate to My Files or to Shared.
  3. Select one or more items and click “Favorite” on the toolbar. Alternatively, you can right-click on an item and select “Favorite“.
  4. Navigate to “Favorites” on the OneDrive navigation panel to find these items in the future. You can also declutter this file list as needed by selecting a file or files from this area and choosing “Unfavorite” from the toolbar.