Author Archives: zubro001

Emergency Contact Information

Emergencies can happen when you least expect them, and having up-to-date emergency contact information ensures that someone you trust can be reached when it matters most.

You can now enter and update your emergency contact information in MyGoucher. Help keep yourself safe and give your loved ones peace of mind by entering or updating your emergency contact details now. It’s quick, easy, and could make all the difference. Follow the instructions below to enter your information.

How To Update Emergency Contact Information

    1. Log in to myGoucher.

2. Hover over your profile icon, then click “Profile.”

3. From your Profile dashboard, click “Emergency Contact”

4. Click the pencil icon to add or edit emergency contact information. Add additional phone numbers for this contact in the Notes field.

5. Repeat steps above for Secondary Contact.

6. When finished, check for correctness, then click “SAVE” to update.

7. Log out of myGoucher.

Technology Training & Tidbits Newsletters

2024-12-10_Highlights from 2024The training newsletters are your go-to resources for staying up to date with the latest technology, tools, and techniques in an evolving world of technology. It is designed to support you in harnessing the power of technology effectively by providing valuable insights, practical tips, and hands-on workshops to enhance workplace productivity.

Technology Training & Tidbits Newsletters

  • February 2025 – Prompt Engineering: Get Better Responses and Potential AI Risks
  • January 2025 – Digital Wellbeing and Adding an Email Message as a Calendar Event

Train The Trainer Resources

As a subject matter expert, your role is crucial in empowering individuals to navigate systems with confidence and proficiency. This blog is designed to provide you with valuable insights, practical tips, and comprehensive resources to enhance your training skills and elevate your impact as a trainer. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to deliver effective, engaging, and impactful training sessions.

Four Step Training Prep Checklist

The Four Step Training Checklist will help you prepare training materials, presentations and delivery. Use the checklist to help you consider logistics, scripting, presentation design and training delivery. These essential components contribute to a successful training experience for you and your participants.

Click here to view the Four Step Training Prep Checklist.

Design and Deliver Workshops