Emergency Contact Information

Emergencies can happen when you least expect them, and having up-to-date emergency contact information ensures that someone you trust can be reached when it matters most.

You can now enter and update your emergency contact information in MyGoucher. Help keep yourself safe and give your loved ones peace of mind by entering or updating your emergency contact details now. It’s quick, easy, and could make all the difference. Follow the instructions below to enter your information.

How To Update Emergency Contact Information

    1. Log in to myGoucher.

2. Hover over your profile icon, then click “Profile.”

3. From your Profile dashboard, click “Emergency Contact”

4. Click the pencil icon to add or edit emergency contact information. Add additional phone numbers for this contact in the Notes field.

5. Repeat steps above for Secondary Contact.

6. When finished, check for correctness, then click “SAVE” to update.

7. Log out of myGoucher.