Canvas New Quizzes

Canvas has developed a new quizzing engine called “New Quizzes” that will eventually replace the “Classic Quizzes” we use in Canvas now. New Quizzes was first introduced several years ago and although it is still being improved and expanded, it is no longer considered to be in a beta development stage. New Quizzes also have several advantages and unique features over Classic Quizzes. For these reasons, New Quizzes is currently an optional tool. Goucher instructors who wish to use New quizzes may do so while Classic Quizzes will remain available for those who are not ready to make this transition yet.

You will see the following prompt whenever you add a new quiz to your Canvas course. If you don’t want to see this prompt each time, check the box next to “Remember my choice for this course” before you hit the SUBMIT button.

Screenshot of Choose a Quiz Engine pop up


What are some of the benefits of New Quizzes?

  • Student Quiz Accommodations for the whole course (not just quiz by quiz!)
  • Stimulus, Ordering, and Hot Spot Question Types
  • Shuffle Answers by Question
  • Printing Quizzes
  • Require Waiting Period Between Attempts
  • And more!

Ways to Explore

Canvas has a host of online resources available both for those who need more information and for those who are ready to take the plunge sooner rather than later.

Information Gathering and Planning

Step-by-Step Instructions


Questions about how to use New Quizzes not answered in the resources above can be addressed to the Canvas 24/7 Support Hotline available on the Canvas Help menu.