Box Drive is an unlimited cloud drive similar to Drop Box and Google Drive. Access your files from your desktop without needing to take up much of your actual hard drive space. Whether you create or edit a document, changes you make will automatically save back to your account. You can also right click any file or folder to access Box features such as sharing, locking and creating Box Notes.
Below are links to articles written by Box support. These should help you get started using Box Drive. Please contact the IT Help Desk if you have any questions or need assistance with the install or an update.
Installing and Updating Box Drive
It is important that you uninstall Box Sync before installing Box Drive. Having both versions installed may cause problems. You should also make sure that all your files that appear on your Box Sync folder have actually been synced to your online account to make sure current versions will be available in Box Drive.
If you see a transparent “x” icon on your file or folder, that only means that it’s not taking up space on your hard drive. This will happen if you haven’ t accessed a file in awhile. Simply launch double click to launch the file and you can edit it as you normally would.
The best way to search for your files that you appear in your Box folder is to use the built-in search feature in the Box Drive application.
Keep in mind that folders that are shared with you will also appear in your Box Drive folder on your hard drive. Content in shared folders should not be edited unless you know for sure that you have at least editor rights. Otherwise, any changes you make my not save.