Verge 10 (2014-2015)
Hillary Blunt, Your Father Would Be So Proud: A Study on Family Collective Memory of a Deceased Parent
Emily Huebner, Border State Blues: A Civil War Scrapbook in Baltimore
Weston Kulvete, Catacombs and Courtship: Life Imitates the Gothic in Northanger Abbey
Alissa Murray, Los toros, las balas, y la castración-el dilema de la masculinidad en El caballero de Olmedo
Zachary Reese, Corso, Conformity, and Christmas Teeth
Anna Richardson, Broken Fragments of Immortality: Why People Will Always Love Peter Pan
Emilia Slimon, The Orpheus Myth through Nineteenth Century Art
Maureen Winter, L’agent devient l’acteur : un regard sur les méthodes du Théâtre de l’Opprimé et la notion de l’habitus chez Pierre Bourdieu
Phoebe Yeoh, An accidental prediction: The saga of antimatter’s discovery