Dalai Lama: Mind and Life Institute

The Mind and Life Institute holds dialogues with the Dalai Lama and with accomplished scientists, philosophers, and Buddhist monks among others. The dialogue supports the practices of Buddhism and helps to link the worlds of Buddhism and science to one-another The Mind and Life Institute holds dialogues with the Dalai Lama and with accomplished scientists. The dialogue supports the practices of Buddhism with science and helps to link the worlds of Buddhism and science to one-another.

Their Mission: “The Mission of the Mind & Life Institute is to promote and support rigorous, multi-disciplinary scientific investigation of the mind which will lead to the development and dissemination of practices that cultivate the mental qualities of attention, emotional balance, kindness, compassion, confidence and happiness. Our investigation is rooted in an integrated way of knowing that combines the first and second person direct experience of contemplative practice with a modern scientific third person inquiry.

Our commitment to multi-disciplinary investigation includes research in the traditional mind sciences, social sciences, contemplative scholarship and practice, philosophy and humanities. We believe that only through this integrated investigation can we achieve an accurate understanding of how the mind works, the benefits of mental fitness, and the best practices for achieving mental and emotional fitness.”

From http://www.mindandlife.org/about/mission/