Publications & Presentations
The conclusions from many of our projects are presented at regional and national psychology conferences, and/or published in peer-reviewed academic journals. Below is a selection of recent journal articles and professional presentations co-authored by Goucher undergraduates in the Memory Research Lab.
Peer-Reviewed Publications Co-Authored with Goucher Students or Alums
McCabe, J. A., Banasik, C. S., Jackson, M. G., Postlethwait, E. M., Steitz, A. J. D., & Wenzel, A. R. (2023). Exploring perceptions of cognitive load and mental fatigue during pandemic-era Zoom classes. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology.
Friedman-Wheeler, D. G., Reese, Z. A., McCabe, J. A., Yarrish, C. M., Chapagain, S., Scherer, A. M., DeVault, K. M., Hoffmann, C., Mazid, L. J., Weinstein, R. N., Mitchell, J. D., & Finley, M. (2021). Mindfulness meditation intervention in the college classroom: Mindful awareness, working memory, content retention, and elaboration. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology.
McCabe, J. A., Friedman-Wheeler, D. G., Davis, S. R., & Pearce, J. (2021).
SET for success: Targeted instruction on learning strategies and behavior change in Introductory Psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 48(3), 257-268., J. A., Kane-Gerard, S., & Friedman-Wheeler, D. G. (2020). Examining the utility of
growth-mindset interventions in undergraduates: A longitudinal study of retention and academic success in a first-year cohort. Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 6(2), 132–146., J. A., & Lummis, S. N. (2018). Why and how do undergraduates study in groups? Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 4(1), 27-42.
Lummis, S. N., McCabe, J. A., Sickles, A. L., Byler, R. A., Kahler, C. E., Eckart, S. E., & Hochberg, S. A. (2017). Lyrical memory: Mnemonic effects of music for musicians and non-musicians. Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research, 22(2), 141-150.
McCabe, J. A., Osha, K. L., Roche, J. A., & Susser, J. A. (2013). Psychology students’ knowledge and use of mnemonics. Teaching of Psychology, 40(3), 183-192.
Susser, J. A., & McCabe, J. (2013). From the lab to the dorm room: Metacognitive awareness and use of spaced study. Instructional Science, 41(2), 345-363.
Manuscripts Under Revision or In Progress, Co-Authored with Goucher Students or Alums
McCabe, J. A., Hausthor, S. J., Murray, L. J., Waskow, E. R., DeKoven, J. A., & Friedman-Wheeler, D. G. (under review). Math anxiety, not general or math-specific growth mindset, predicts undergraduate achievement in data analytics courses.
Professional Presentations Co-Authored with Goucher Students or Alums
McCabe, J. A., Cisse, V. A, Erlbaum, H. K., St. Jean, B. D., DeKoven, J. A., Lees, M. S., Adamson, E. T., Laurence, T. H., & Widenhouse, S. A.. (2024, March). Whose class it is anyway? Effects of narrative voice in college syllabi. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA..
McCabe, J. A., Bichler, M., Cisse, V. A, DeKoven, J. A., Hausthor, S. J., Lees, M. S., St. Jean, B. D., Steitz, A., Stuart, M. M., & Waskow, E. R. (2023, March). Getting warmer: Syllabus tone impacts perceptions of a college course. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, Boston, MA.
Wenzel, A. R., Banasik, C. S., Jackson, M. G., Postlethwait, E. M., Steitz, A., & McCabe, J. A. (2022, March). Cognitive load in a Zoom world: Student and instructor perceptions. Poster presented at the 2022 Eastern Psychological Association Meeting, New York, NY.
McCabe, J. A., & Friedman-Wheeler, D. G., Hausthor, S. J., Murray, L. J., & Waskow, E. R. (2022, March). Math mindset and math anxiety: Understanding achievement in data analytics courses. Poster presented at the 2022 Eastern Psychological Association Meeting, New York, NY.
McCabe, J. A., Banasik, C. S., Jackson, M. G., Postlethwait, E. M., & Wenzel, A. R. (2021, March). Can I catch a break?!?: Studying during a pandemic. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Virtual Conference.
McCabe, J. A., Alberts, A. M., Cogen, B. M., Venn, S. E., Villasana, C. I., Steitz, A. J. D., Hopkins, M. E., & Spell, J. A. (2020, June). Effects of syllabus transparency on undergraduates’ perceptions of learning, support, and success. Poster presented at the the Eastern Psychological Association Virtual Conference.
McCabe, J. A., Lind, S., Lummis, S. N., Kane-Gerard, S. C., Hopkins, M. E., Spell, J. A., & Turner, A. P. (2018, March). What learning strategies do academic support centers recommend to undergraduates? Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
McCabe, J. A., Lummis, S. N., Pearman, A. K., Spell, J. A., Hochberg, S. A., Turner, A. P., & Hopkins, M. E. (2017, March). The why and how of group learning in undergraduates. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, Boston, MA.
Lummis, S. N., McCabe, J. A., Sickles, A. L., Eckart, S. E., Hochberg, S. A., Kahler, C. E., Stern, B. Z., Hauptman, A. J., & Stern, T. (2017, March). Lyrical memory: Mnemonic effects of music for musicians and non-musicians. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, Boston, MA.
Shevlin, B. R. K., & McCabe, J. A. (2016, March). Relationship between responses and reaction times on the Cognitive Reflection Test. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, New York City, New York
McCabe, J. A., Friedman-Wheeler, D. G., Davis, S. R., Pearce, J., John, K., Hauptman, A. J., & Ruff, E. S. (2015, March). SET for success: Targeted instruction in learning strategies and behavior change. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Stern, B. Z., Collins, E. K., Hauptman, A. J., Eckart, S. E., & McCabe, J. A. (2015, March). Drawing from memory: Providing and generating pictures during keyword mnemonic learning. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Collins, E. K., McCabe, J. A., Hauptman, A. J., Meyers-Orr, B. M., & Stern, B. Z. (2014). Does picture generation enhance keyword mnemonic learning? Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
McCabe, J. A., Collins, E. K., Meyers-Orr, B. M., & Witham, M. B. (2013, March). Getting the GIST of memory: Teaching effective learning strategies in Introductory Psychology. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, New York, New York.
Shevlin, B. R. K. & McCabe, J. A. (2013, March). Cognitive reflection in undergraduates: Relationships with educational experiences and metacognition. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, New York, New York.
McCabe, J. A., Chefitz, L. S., Shevlin, B. R. K., & Turpin, S. (2012, March). Hand gestures and mnemonics: Effects of viewing and enacting. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
McCabe, J. A., Osha, K. L., Roche, J. A., & Susser, J. A. (2011, May). Undergraduates’ knowledge and use of mnemonics: A survey study. Poster presented at the 18th Annual APS-STP Teaching Institute, at the 23rd Annual Association for Psychological Science Convention, Washington, DC.
McCabe, J. A., Craig, A. A., Foley, J. E., Rose, A., Cephas, R. M., & Chefitz, L. S. (2011, March). Adding gestures to mnemonics: Do hands help recall? Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Osha, K. L., Roche, J. A., & McCabe, J. A. (2011, March). Change detection predictions: Overconfidence, hindsight bias, and correlations with metacognition. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Susser, J. A., & McCabe, J. A. (2011, March). From the lab to the dorm room: Metacognitive awareness and use of the spacing effect. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.
McCabe, J. A., Osha, K. L., Graves, K. A., Marx, E. R., Myrtetus, E. A., & Roche, J. A. (2010, March). Self-regulation in the classroom predicts memory performance in the laboratory. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, Brooklyn Bridge, New York.
Faculty Sponsorship for Goucher Student Presentations
Research team members have given independent presentations on- and off-campus with faculty sponsorship from Dr. McCabe. A selection of these is found below.
Cisse, V. A, DeKoven, J. A., Hausthor, S. J., Lees, M. S., & St. Jean, B. D. (McCabe, J., Faculty Sponsor) (2023, May). Getting warmer: Syllabus tone impacts perceptions of a college course. Poster presented at the 2023 Goucher Symposium, Baltimore, MD.
DeKoven, J. A., & St. Jean, B. D. (McCabe, J., Faculty Sponsor) (2023, April). Getting warmer: Syllabus tone impacts perceptions of a college course. Poster presented at the Mid-Atlantic Undergraduate Psychology Conference, Harford County, MD.Hausthor, S. J., Murray, L. J., & Waskow, E. R. (McCabe, J., Faculty Sponsor) (2022, May). Math mindset and math anxiety: Understanding achievement in data analytics courses. Poster presented at the 2022 Goucher Symposium, Baltimore, MD.
Wenzel, A. R., Banasik, C. S., Jackson, M. G., Postlethwait, E. M., & Steitz, A. (McCabe, J., Faculty Sponsor) (2022, May). Cognitive load in a Zoom world: Student and instructor perceptions. Poster presented at the 2022 Goucher Symposium, Baltimore, MD.
Banasik, C., & Wenzel, A. (McCabe, J., Faculty Sponsor) (2021, May). Cognitive load in a Zoom world. Paper presented at the 2021 Virtual Goucher Symposium, Baltimore, MD.
Banasik, C., Jackson, M., Postlethwait, E., & Wenzel, A. (McCabe, J., Faculty Sponsor) (2021, May). Can I catch a break?!?: Studying during the pandemic. Poster presented at the 2021 Virtual Goucher Symposium, Baltimore, MD.
Alberts, A., Cogen, B., Venn, S., & Villasana, C. I. (McCabe, J., Faculty Sponsor) (2020, May). Transparen-SEE? It does make a difference!: Effects of syllabus transparency on undergraduates’ perceptions of learning, support, and success. Poster presented at the 2020 Virtual Goucher Symposium, Baltimore, MD.
Kane-Gerard, S. C., Hopkins, M. E., & Spell, J. A. (McCabe, J., Faculty Sponsor) (2018, May). What learning strategies do academic support centers recommend to undergraduates? Poster presented at the 2018 Goucher College Student Symposium, Baltimore, MD.
Lummis, S. L., Kane-Gerard, S., & Lind, S. (McCabe, J., Faculty Sponsor) (2017, April). Are academic resource centers promoting empirically-supported learning strategies to undergraduates? Paper presented at the 2017 Goucher College Student Symposium, Baltimore, MD.
Sickles, A. L., Lummis, S. N., Kahler, C. E., & Eckart, S. E. (McCabe, J., Faculty Sponsor) (2016, April). Lyrical memory: Mnemonic effects of music in musicians and non-musicians. Paper presented at the 2016 Goucher College Student Symposium, Baltimore, MD.
Stern, B. Z., & Hauptman, A. J. (McCabe, J., Faculty Sponsor) (2015, April). Drawing from memory: Providing and generating pictures during keyword mnemonic learning. Paper presented at the 2015 Goucher College Student Symposium, Baltimore, MD.
Collins, E. K. (McCabe, J., Faculty Sponsor) (2014, April). Does picture generation enhance keyword mnemonic learning? Paper presented at the 2014 Goucher College Student Symposium, Baltimore, MD.
Shevlin, B. R. K. (McCabe, J., Faculty Sponsor) (2013, April). Cognitive reflectivity in undergraduates: Relationships with educational experiences and metacognition. Paper presented at the 2013 Goucher College Student Symposium, Baltimore, MD.
Shevlin, B. R. K. (McCabe, J., Faculty Sponsor) (2012, July). Exploring the relationship of cognitive reflection, decision making, and metacognition with undergraduate educational experiences. Poster presented at the Landmark Summer Research Symposium, Bethlehem, PA.
Chefitz, L. & Turpin, S. (McCabe, J., Faculty Sponsor) (2012, April). Hand gestures and mnemonics: Effects of viewing and enacting. Paper presented at the 4th Annual Goucher College Student Symposium, Baltimore, MD.
Osha, K.., Roche, J., & Susser, J. (McCabe, J., Faculty Sponsor) (2011, April). Undergraduates’ knowledge and use of mnemonics: A survey study. Paper presented at the 3rd Annual Goucher College Student Symposium, Baltimore, MD.
Cephas, R., & Chefitz, L. (McCabe, J., Faculty Sponsor) (2011, April). Adding gestures to mnemonics: Do hands help recall? Paper presented at the 3rd Annual Goucher College Student Symposium, Baltimore, MD.
Graves, K. A., & Kulkarni, R. (McCabe, J., Faculty Sponsor) (2011, March). Long-term yoga practitioners excel in embodied spatial transformation. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Susser, J. A. (McCabe, J., Faculty Mentor) (2010, August). From the lab to the dorm room: Metacognitive awareness and use of the spacing effect. Paper presented at the Goucher Summer Science Research Program Final Presentations, Baltimore, MD.
Osha, K., & Roche, J. A. (McCabe, J., Faculty Mentor) (2010, August). “I knew this going to be hard!”: Hindsight bias in a change detection paradigm. Paper presented at the Goucher Summer Science Research Program Final Presentations, Baltimore, MD.
Susser, J. A. (McCabe, J., Faculty Mentor) (2010, July). From the lab to the dorm room: Metacognitive awareness and use of the spacing effect. Poster presented at the Landmark Summer Research Symposium, Huntingdon, PA.*First-place winner for Poster Session 1*
Osha, K., & Roche, J. A. (McCabe, J., Faculty Mentor) (2010, July). “I knew this was going to be hard!”: Hindsight bias in a change detection paradigm. Poster presented at the Landmark Summer Research Symposium, Huntingdon, PA.