In Sundry Moods, Julia Sutliff’s paintings celebrate nature, places left uninterrupted by humans—the wilder, the better. The exhibit, which is free and open to the public, runs in Goucher’s Rosenberg Gallery from September 6 to November 1 and can be viewed Monday through Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Additionally, an artist’s reception will be held on Friday, September 20, 6-9 p.m., in Rosenberg Gallery. Call 410-337-6477 or visit for more information.
Sutliff’s work embraces untouched scenes: trees at the borders of open meadows; creeks running past untended woods; fields and hills where grasses, briers, and wildflowers have been left to run riot. She does not merely take the elements of a scene and copy them; she responds with emotion and invention to meet the unfolding drama and flux with brush strokes, impressions, and color choice.
Sutliff believes this response is the only way to match wits with the environment in which she creates—to make a painting come even close to being as exciting as nature itself. She says she is always in pursuit of being surprised, of seeing things in a painting that seem to have happened when she was not paying attention.
For more information on Sutliff, a Baltimore-area artist, visit