About Goucher’s Art and Artifact Collection

The Art and Artifact Collection at Goucher dates to the founding of the college in 1885, when Dr. John Franklin Goucher donated pieces from his personal collection for the benefit of students. The purpose of Goucher’s art and artifact collection, which now numbers over 1,000 pieces, has always been two-fold: to adorn college buildings and grounds with art, and to serve as a teaching tool. Over the years, the college has purchased some items for its collection, but the majority of pieces have been gifts from Alumnae/i and other generous donors. During your visit to the college, we hope you are able to enjoy some of the additional pieces from the collection on view in and around our campus. Pieces can be found in the public spaces of many of our academic and administrative building as well as our most recent gift of thirteen outdoor sculptures.

Sonja Klein Sugerman
Art and Artifact Collection Curator

*All images on this site were captured by Ben Bernstein ’16.