Few people are aware how competitive veterinary school is. Only 10% of applicants are accepted, compared to 40% of medical school applicants.
Novels, memoirs, how-to books, and more by Goucher alums and faculty from the past year
At the heart of campus, on the bottom floor of the Athenaeum, past the elevators and next to the vending machines, is a locked set of doors.
This spring, the first cohort of Goucher’s LAUNCH Scholars Network will graduate. Director Melissa Alexander, who has been with them, guiding the program since the beginning, couldn’t be happier.
The idea of exploration, especially with an international scope, has been ingrained in Goucher’s students in many ways since its founding in 1885.
Students explore hands-on projects and internships.
Recent books by and about the Goucher community
What is the future of AI? Is it a technology that will become as integral to our daily lives as smartphones are, or is it inflated hype?
For students who used the Julia Rogers Library between 1977 and 1996, Io DeGraw Mears was often the first face they saw.
In 1973, Goucher's trustees began electing a graduating senior to the board, bringing an important new voice to discussions and deliberations.
A walk with Professor Michael Curry through his wildly popular Goucher Myths & Legends Tour
Recent books from the Goucher community
Goucher alumnae share their memories of protesting the Vietnam War.
As the Goucher College equestrian program celebrates 100 years, students, alumnae/i, and coaches reflect on the sport’s impact.
With recreational cannabis now legal in Maryland, Goucher Magazine spoke to three alums who have worked in the industry around the country.
With the restart of student government in Fall 2021, several Gopher student athletes took advantage of the opportunity to serve the Goucher community.
Goucher alumnae/i educators share the classroom “aha” moments that fuel their passion for learning and teaching.
The rise of mental health awareness during the pandemic has spurred a transformative transition to teletherapy for both practitioners and patients.
Recent books, including history, fiction, memoir, and more, from Goucher's alumnae/i and faculty.
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