Donnybrook Fair Yearbook Collection
The Donnybrook Fair, Goucher College’s student-produced yearbook, contributes to the historical record of Goucher College by documenting student, faculty, and staff, campus life, student clubs, and notable events. The Goucher College Digital Library houses digital copies of the Donnybrook Fair from 1895 – 2017. Some of the yearbooks depict ethnic or racial insensitivity, imagery that Goucher College condoned through their publication. These publications do not represent or reflect the views or values of Goucher College today, but we hold our institution accountable for producing and publishing such imagery in Donnybrook Fair. Goucher College actively condemns all such images and words as wrong, both now and in the past. However, we believe that Goucher’s yearbooks should be presented in full, as they originally appeared, to acknowledge past prejudices rather than hide them and to maintain the historical accuracy of the collection. The Goucher College Archive strives to preserve Goucher’s history by providing access to its holdings for teaching and research. It is essential to remember that these materials should be viewed in the context of the relevant time period in which they were created.
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