
Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to change. Once believed to be stagnant, the brain’s “new” ability, or really scientists realization of this ability, has opened a door into a whole new field of research involving the ways that not only our thoughts react to physical changes in the brain, but how our thoughts can trigger physical changes as well. Our course delved deep into the world of experiments on neuroplasticity. We discussed the re-mapping of neurons that were once assigned to now non-feeling or non-existent limbs, to other areas of the body. We also looked at how development of a part of one’s body causes the somatosensory cortex for that region to grow. After looking at many experiments related to the physical body’s ability to change your brain, we explored how meditation can alter your brain. We’ve learned how meditation and mindfulness can rewire your brain to be more capable of compassion. Meditation and mindfulness have also been shown to help with changing your “happiness set point”. Your “happiness set point” is where your average emotional-self lives, where you return after a catastrophe or a really amazing event. We’ve learned that not only do changes in the physical body make physical changes in the brain, but changes in your thought patterns and mindset can also make physical changes in the brain.

Stephen S. Hall is the author, most recently, of ”Merchants of Immortality: Chasing the Dream of Human Life Extension.” His explanation of the following experiment depicts the true scientific findings of the following experiment: meditation changes the brain in vast ways for the better and results can be seen after as little as two months.

Research Links

This article includes brain scans showing how reaction to emotion is different in the brain.

This article gives benefits of meditation in relation to depression and schizophrenia

Chapter 7 specifically “Meditation and Neuroplasticity: Using Mindfulness to Change the Brain”

Buddha’s Brain: Neuroplasticity and Meditation

Nurture the Miracle of Neuroplasticity: Marie Pasinkski, M.D.

Meditation Sharpens the Mind: Charles Q. Choi

Mindfulness Meditation Training Changes Brain Structure in Eight Weeks

Meditation Gives Brain a Change, Study Finds: Marc Kaufman