Uta Larkey

Uta Larkey, associate professor of German, was selected as a contributing participant to the Sixth Annual Summer Workshop for Holocaust Scholars in July 2014 in Yad Vashem, Jerusalem. Her talk is titled “Fear and Terror: The Deportations of Polish Jews in October 1938.”

During her sabbatical this semester Larkey has been invited to present several talks: “Trauma, Testimony and History: Life in Jewish DP Camps 1945-50” at the University of Florida; “Traces of Memory: Representation of the Holocaust in German Postwar Feature Films” at the University of Arizona; and “Triumph over Hitler: Jewish Life in Germany Today” for the Brandeis National Committee, Baltimore chapter. She has also been invited to give the introductory talk for Claude Lanzman’s film Sobibor, 14 October 1943, 4pm at the Jewish Film Festival in Düsseldorf, Germany.

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